Helpful Links

Links to sites for help with homework, college, and more.FreePermitPracticeTests Searchable access to the Compact Oxford English Dictionary

Babel Fish Translation Translate blocks of text to or from English from several foreign languages. Great books online, including dictionaries, encyclopedias, thesauri, as well as fiction, verse, and quotations in an easily searchable format.

Boston Magazine Guide to New England Colleges and Universities Boston Magazine’s yearly published guide to colleges and universities in New England. The guide includes information on finding the right career, and financial aid tips.

Homework Helper on Homework help with over 700 links to sites to help with homework in all subjects

Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh Homework Help Site Links to homework sites arranged by school subject areas. Special topics include: “Inventions and Science Projects” and “African American Resources.”

Career Guide by Best Colleges To get students thinking about their future career paths, we created an ever-growing collection of career guides that highlight several popular and rapidly expanding job industries including communications, criminal justice, and education. Each resource covers many different roles within the industry and the educational steps required to land that position, as well as, certifications and internships.

Center for Online Education We are an independent organization providing students the resources they need to succeed in an online college. Our expertise helps students find affordable, quality academic programs that prepare them for a successful and rewarding career.

College Source A virtual library representing 32,081 college catalogs

Business College Resource Guides and resources designed specifically for those interested in pursuing a degree in business.

DMV Practice Test Our online practice tests are designed to reflect the real DMV knowledge tests in terms of number of questions, types of question (road rules / road signs), number of possible answers, passing requirements, passing score etc. Unique to Massachusetts. A complete and up-to-date source of information on all 50 states.

High School Hub Homework help in a variety of subjects. Offers links to sites published by universities and other academic institutions. Almanacs, atlases, history & government, business information and more.

Internet Safety for Teens Stay’s Guide to internet safety tips and tricks.

Merriam-Webster Free online dictionary and thesaurus, also features a Word of the Day and word games.

National Geographic Society The official web site of the National Geographic Society

SparkNotes Free online summaries of classic works of literature, poetry, and drama. Also offers study guides in other popular subjects.

Teen Health & Wellness Provides middle and high school students with up-to-date, nonjudgmental, straightforward curricular, and self-help support. Articles are correlated to state, national, and provincial standards, including Common Core Health and Science.
 Topics covered include diseases, drugs, alcohol, nutrition, mental health, suicide, bullying, LGBTQ issues, and more.

World Fact Book Quick access to information on every country in the world. Includes country maps, numerous facts, and official flags.

Webmath Assistance with a variety of mathematical problems from general math to calculus.

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