The Mansfield Public Library is currently not accepting in-person volunteers at the library,
but does offer the following virtual volunteer projects:
- Media Reviews – Creating a media review gives teens the opportunity to share what types of books, movies, television shows, video games, music, etc., that they like and what they would or perhaps would not recommend.
- Teens who submit reviews are asked to follow criteria set by the library. Once a review is accepted, the teen will receive 2 hours of community service.
- If a review does not meet the criteria, it will be emailed back to the teen for an opportunity to revise.
- All accepted reviews will be featured on the Mansfield Public Library Teen Review page.
- Review Format – Reviews must be submitted on the Teen Review Form. The form asks you questions related to the media you are reviewing, including title, type of media, author/creator, genre, summary, why you chose it to review, # of stars you’d give it, did it remind you of anything else, etc.
Please answer all of the questions in complete, thoughtful, and grammatically correct sentences. If you have any questions while completing your review, feel free to email Teen Librarian Whitney Brown at:
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