Library materials delivered to your doorstep!
The Mansfield Public Library offers a delivery option to provide library materials for Mansfield residents who are confined to their homes by an illness or injury, either temporary or long term, and are therefore unable to travel to the library. Requests for materials will be filled and delivered to your home by a library staff member. All loans will be for a 4 week period. Materials will be delivered and retrieved on the same day. Deliveries and pick ups will be made once a month. This service is free and based on staff availability. For more information on this program, please contact Catherine Coyne, Library Director, at (508) 261-7380 or email
Frequently Asked Questions
Who is eligible to take advantage of this program? Mansfield residents who are confined to their homes by an illness or injury, either temporary or long term, and are therefore unable to travel to the library, may register for this service.
Who will deliver the library materials? Library staff will deliver and retrieve the materials.
What type of materials can I borrow? All circulating library materials, including books, magazines, audiobooks, DVDs, and music CDs will be delivered to your home for a 4-week loan period. Materials will be delivered and retrieved on the same day. Deliveries and pick ups will be made once a month. We can select items for you by title or author, or if you prefer, library staff will select a variety of materials based on your reading interests and preferences.
When will pick-ups and deliveries take place? The last Wednesday of the month. Arrangements must be made prior to pick-up/delivery with library staff. You must be home to receive pick-up/delivery.
Where can materials be delivered? Library staff will deliver materials to your door. Library materials cannot be left unattended and library staff will not enter residences.
How can I register for this service? Contact the library at 508-261-7380 or fill out our Homebound Delivery Survey!
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