Disability Services

The Mansfield Public Library’s Board of Trustees and staff are committed to making the library’s resources available to all. In 2002, the library was awarded a two-year grant to improve library services to people with disabilities. Funded through the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners, with funds from the federal Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA), this grant thrust the library into a revamp of the adult department floor plan, and led to the expansion of materials and equipment geared to people with disabilities and their families.

Additional Services and Resources

Mansfield’s Emblem Club has for several years volunteered to deliver items to people who are home-bound. Please call the library director or reference librarian at 508-261-7380 if you are interested. Staff members are always available to help patrons by checking shelves, placing holds, etc.

In addition to large type and audio book purchases, the library subscribes to LARGE PRINT READER’S DIGEST. We have also purchased materials on topics of interest to people with disabilities, including books, DVDs, and a number of CD computer programs geared to children different learning styles.

Our adult department workstations are wheelchair accessible. 

On our adult workstations, Microsoft Word has options that help people with dyslexia or learning disabilities compose documents.

The library has:

  • Large Print Books
  • Audiobooks
  • Video Magnifier
  • Portable magnifying device
  • Information on the books program of The Perkins School for the Blind

The library has expanded its collection of large print books in both the adult and youth collections. In the adult department, the large print collection is located near our entrance. The Children’s Room has a small collection of Braille books. Patrons can also request Braille books through The Perkins School for the Blind.

We have a large collection of audio books on CD and in the MP3 format.  The library subscribes to Reader’s Digest in Large Type. Our Telesensory Aladdin Video Magnifier, purchased by the Friends of the Library, is a low-vision magnifying device for reading books or documents. It is located in the small conference room.

Our Telesensory Olympia is a portable magnifying device for use in the library. It may be used at a table with its stand, and is useful for filling out forms, writing checks, taking notes, etc. With its battery pack, users can carry it around the library to magnify books, magazines, etc.  This is available in the Director’s Office.

The library is on one floor, with ramp access. There are seven handicapped parking spaces, three of which are very close to the front door. Our bathrooms are handicapped accessible. Aisles are wide enough for wheelchairs.

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